About Mrs. Elliott

Saturday, February 4, 2017

K-2 Art Night!

Clear your schedules, the arts event of this winter is coming this Thursday, February 9, 2017, from 6-7:30pm at Edmunds Elementary in Burlington!

Nail and String Art, grade two
There will be nearly 400 works on view made by  our youngest artists in Kindergarten, grade one, and grade two. The art show will begin at 6pm, and seating for the music concert will begin at 6:30pm.

These students have been working so hard all year to show off their skills. You will find that each grade level has completed a pottery project, thanks to the generosity of the EES PTO. These pottery projects can be brought home the night of the show, because families are the safest way for this artwork to travel. Kindergarten has made bowls, first grade has made coil pots, and second graders have made butterflies.
Lois Ehlert-inspired collage, Kindergarten.
Here are a few ways to enjoy the show with your student:
 Remind your student to stay with you, use walking feet, and enjoy looking with their eyes at the artwork.
 Ask your student about their artwork. How did they make it?  What tools or materials were used?
  If you are unclear about the image the student has made, a great opener is to ask "Can you tell me about your picture?"
First grade integrated light-unit landscape, showing what's needed to create a shadow
Other commitments that night? The art show will, with exception of the pottery, be on display all this coming week and next. Visit it anytime school is open on the first floor, beginning inside the Main Entrance, which is swimming with fantasy fish from our second grade artists.

Fantasy fish, grade 2
When you come, make sure to look up!  The first graders have created Wishes for the World, strings of colorful flags printed with their hopes and dreams for all of humanity, full of wishes such as freedom, health, clean water, and enough to eat.

We hope to see you there! 

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