About Mrs. Elliott

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Rock Out! EES+The Fleming Museum of Art

I've been working on something big, and I am so excited to tell you about it now.

EES+The Fleming Museum present:

Rock Out!
A Community Art Scavenger Hunt

Here in Burlington, we are super lucky to be surrounded by some great museums. ECHO, the Fleming, Shelburne Museum, and more are frequently full of children. Just not all the children. Because for every student who tells me about a weekend museum trip or family membership, I know several others who have never been there, regardless of how close we might perceive these places to be.  Sometimes, admission fees are an obstacle, other times, families lack transportation, awareness of the institution itself, or think that they will not be interested.

It's my job to change that.

Rock Out! is a community scavenger hunt I conceived of and presented to the Fleming Museum of Art, and they were game for my craziness.  The idea went like this: each child paints a rock here at school. Rocks are hidden with free passes to the museum, all over Burlington- outdoors only, in public parks, outside schools, and on sidewalk greenways.  The finders can take their whole family to the Fleming for free between April 7 to May 21, and  they can keep the rock to begin their own art collections.

The Fleming Museum of Art is an awesome institution right here on UVM's campus. Full of paintings, photographs, sculptures, weapons, mummies, and ancient artifacts, it is both walking distance from downtown and also right on the city busline. There is really something to captivate everyone, but many Burlington children have simply never been there. This project is intended to encourage families to try something new together! This project is thinking beyond my own student population at Edmunds to include families, residents, and visitors across the city. The aim is to have fun and rewarding experiences viewing art at the Fleming, which could ignite a passion for art and art viewing in the future.

Want to participate? Talk a walk and keep your eyes peeled. Over 300 rocks (attentively and creatively painted by my students!) and attached notes will be waiting for you. Look along the waterfront, in the city parks, on wall and window ledges, and any other public, outdoor spaces in the city! It will look something like this, just sitting there, waiting for you.

"Hello! I'm so glad you found me."


  1. The rocks are beautiful. The idea even more beautiful! I love this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rock on! You are an awesome rock star, and the community is so lucky to have you!
    ~ Joy
