About Mrs. Elliott

Friday, January 26, 2018

Winter Landscapes

We are deep in cold here in Burlington, and a perfect time for second grade to explore how color and light effect a winter landscape. 

Artists began by considering the time of day and light source in their landscape. 

All students added a snowy or icy surface. 

Artists used white a a base color for the snow and ice, then added shades of grey, silver, blue, and purple to create shades. 

These dark spaces on the form and surfaces are always opposite the light sources.

Moon (with craters!) on left, darkness and shadows on the right on the snowman.
The medium is oil pastel, and it allowed students to do some pretty incredible blending.

Afterward, lots of additions were made to landscape, such as creatures and people, mountains and houses.

Moon glowing on an lake!

Wind and snowflakes swirling around
Students discussed gaze direction- how to make the subject clearly looking in a specific direction, which in turn guides the viewer's eye. Below, the snowman gazing at the moon encourages us to look at what the subject is seeing.

Gazing right at us, the viewer, and we look back.

Gazing downward.

Check out the tree's reflection on the icy pond!

Students used cut paper and fabric to add details to their picture, particularly on the snowmen.

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