About Mrs. Elliott

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Framed Mini Works of Art

A group of second graders recently had extra time on their hands in art class, and had the choice to either work in their sketchbooks or make miniature framed works of art. Anyone who was wavering was sold by the obvious joy of using glitter glue in their day.

   The prompt to this little project was to honor something or someone you love by making a framed work. Whether by discussed mutual agreement or just lots of parallel thinking, there were lots and lots and lots of cats!

And lots of love for their families!

A closeup of one adored dad!
The whole family and some imaginary pets, too!
Students started with four popsicle sticks, and made designs and patterns on them with colorful permanent markers. Students glued paper to the back of the layered sticks, and added a ribbon across the top from which the framed work could be hung.  It was an easy, fun way to make these second grade artworks feel formal and fancy!

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