Monday, May 11, 2020

What Have EES Students Been Making?

There is boundless creativity going on at this time! 
Here are some of the many, many artworks that students have been making at home.
I'd love to see what you have been making. Ask a grownup to help you send some photos of your classwork. 
Here is a link to this week's Art Menu on Understanding Art Worlds.

Expressive face by Adele
Expressive face by Adele

Expressive face by Adele

Adele's collage

Expressive face by Alex

Expressive face by Alex
Expressive face by Alex

Expressive face by Amelia

Expressive face by Cabby

Battery Box by Cam

Cardboard Sculpture by Carrie

Expressive face by Claire and Andrew

Expressive face by Claire and Andrew

Expressive face by Claire and Andrew

Unicorn Cake by Grace 

Expressive face by Graham
Expressive face by Graham

Holly's cardboard sculpture

Holly's mandala

Isaac made a necklace with a paper clip chain!

Jumana made chalk art for Earth Day

Jumana's drawing of animals

Expressive face by Kevin

Kiki's bird feeder

Nora's collage

Nora's weaving

Silas' drawing of 3D forms

Sylvie's expressive face
Sylvie's expressive face

Sylvie's cat sculpture

Expressive face by Thiago
Expressive face by Thiago

Built by Thireas

Thireas exploring

Expressive faces by Thireas

Thireas and family cooking and crafting

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