Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kindergarten Tea(cup) Parties! RES

 Kindergarten artists have celebrated the firing of their teacups with our annual Art and Tea Parties!

Aren't they sweet?
 Each year here at RES, Kindergarteners create a teacup. They begin with a small pinchpot for the body, and add coils for the foot and handle. We fire them after class, and the next week they coat them using food-safe glazes.  One week and another kiln load later... tada!  Tea time!

Sip sip!
Art and Tea Parties are just what they sound like- we color, paint, and sip our warm cupfuls. Not everyone wants tea each year, but I think the chai was far and away the most popular choice I have ever made. 

 There were actual squeals of delight and hand-clapping when I told students the type of tea.  
My favorite review: "It tastes like if gingerbread cookies were a drink!"  

Students finished up past paintings if needed, and responded to this drawing prompt- 
"It's cold outside- where do you wish you could be today?"

It has been below zero for days, so while some students wished they could be outside sledding, snowboarding, or making snow angels, other wished firmly to be in the desert, or in front a fire with a cup of cocoa.  Or, in the case of one student today: "I wish I was at the beach, building a sand castle, and drinking tea!"

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