Saturday, October 4, 2014

Magic at the Faire! BCA + Generator

Today I taught five sessions of a Magic Wand workshop for Burlington City Arts and Generator at the Champlain Mini Maker Faire at Shelburne Farms.

How could you not want to make one?

My official Maker tag
Now, it was a pouring rain. But I must say, if it could have been any busier, I wouldn't have known what to do!  (My teacher voice is flagging, y'all, and I need some more tea.)

That's the back of my big 'ol head talking electrical circuits.  Thanks Nance Nahmias for the photo!
Dozens and dozens of wands were made.
Groups were about ten at a time, mostly with hands-on help of older siblings or parents.
Many Flynn Elementary students came through today
Many Halloween ideas were launched today, and one brother/sister pair came to the Faire specifically because they read about the wands, and wanted to learn to make them for their wizard costumes. Like the wands above, many students added a packing tape orb to the end of the LED to refract the light and make it look like a crystal.

I was thinking elfin forest sprite could work as well with this leafy one- look at those seasonal colors!
It took a lot of concentration and careful work to make these on the part of all the kids, who ranged in age from 2-12 (and a few adults like me who never exactly outgrew childhood).

Such focus.
But the payoff was pretty big. Alakazam!
Abracadabra! Poof!

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